TrueBrowsersmTechnology |
Monitor websites using Real Web Browsers |
Test dynamic page content loaded by AJAX and JavaScript. |
Test with Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome |
Verify the contents of various page elements |
Measure True-to-life website performance |
Download and test all page content including images, CSS, and JS files |
Dynamically fill out web forms and submit them |
Set custom load time limits |
Interact with Rich Internet Technologies like Flash, Flex, and Silverlight. |
Performance Reporting |
Network performance charts |
Historical test logs and test reports |
Webpage performance charts |
Customizable data filters |
Test step breakdown charts |
Local time zone reporting |
Website error recurrence charts |
Real-time test status reports |
Proactive Advantagesm daily performance analysis |
NOC screen overhead display |
Detailed failure event reports |
Failure Alerting |
Alerts delivered via email, text messaging, or phone calls |
Detailed failure event reporting |
Advanced false alert protection |
Supports multiple alert contacts |
Escalate severe failures to higher level staff |
Supports multiple contact methods per person |
Server maintenance window scheduling |
Automatic time zone adjustment |
Service provider integration for quick recovery |